Calculating your NPS® just got easier. 

We recognize that analyzing NPS® data by provider or location can be a pain and take a really long time, especially when you're doing it on your own. So we've made this free and easy spreadsheet to do the calculating for you!

If you're a customer already, this download is basically the manual way of doing what your NPS® Dashboard does automatically, so check out this video to see how you can access all of this information in StriveHub Reach.

If you have been collecting NPS® manually for a while now, you know how much time it takes to collect and organize the data. But this tool will let you slice and dice that data on the fly.

This download will: 

  • Automatically calculate your NPS® 
  • Filter your NPS® by location, body part, and therapist
  • Provide your NPS® breakdown (Promoter %, Passive %, Detractor %) 
  • Chart your NPS® over time

Fill out the form to the right, press submit, and the DIY NPS® Calculator will be emailed you shortly!

Below, you'll find a short tutorial to help you make the most of this resource:

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